Five thousand, four hundred and sixteen
01. I love looking at the stars
01. I love looking at the stars
02. I’m single.
04. When I’m by myself, I often sing.
05. I wish I could go to school just for fun.
06. When I’m in the shower, I sing and think about ways to leave here.
07. I hate when people type in all caps online.
08. I wish I could be an artist.
09. I try not to cry in front of people, I feel stupid.
10. I have one younger sister.
11. I haven’t had a puppy.
12. I like people who make me laugh.
13. I strive to be nice and honest.
14. I miss Jessica.
15. I am addicted to reading.
16. I think dorky boys are hot.
17. I know how to do the Macarena.
18. I adore Cameron.
19. Sarcasm is my friend.
20. I want to try to not be so paranoid.
21. I want to travel more.
22. Sometimes I understand math…sometimes I’m really stupid and don’t. - mostly the latter
23. I have a great relationship with my sis.
24. I’ve never gone snowboarding but would love to.
25. I procrastinate.
26. I like finding cool old things.
27. I love sleeping in boxers.
28. I’m a weird person.
29. I wish I had closer friends.
30. I want to accomplish more of the goals I’ve set for myself.
31. I love new bed sheets.
32. I write terribly boring LiveJournals.
33. I wish I had a job.
34. I need to work out more.
35. I love waking up early and going to bed late.
36. When I die, I wanted to be buried under this tree at the park but they cut it down.
37. I’d want to finish high school even if I hate it.
38. I would love to run my own restaurant.
39. My parents are married.
40. I love making people happy.
41. I need to stand in front of the Great Pyramids before I die.
42. I want to study overseas.
43. I hate getting shots.
44. I like to sleep.
45. If I don’t leave this town when I graduate I will become depressed.
46. I feel as though few people understand me.
47. I spend too much time thinking.
48. I wish I had people to dance with.
49. I often feel like a clueless, naive person.
50. I’m insane.
51. I sleep on my stomach.
52. I’ve never had a job but might work at the nursing home soon.
53. I want to own an apartment in NYC.
54. I love pictures.
55. I love living in town.
56. I want to be a great mom.
57. I am not a good musician, but wish I was.
58. I enjoy doing competitions in front of people.
59. I don’t care about the president.
60. I haven’t been outside of the U.S.
61. I would like to do something amazing for a career when I’m older but have no idea what.
62. I love Steven.
63. I wish I could turn my mind off.
64. I love being creative.
65. I would like to be fluent in another language.
66. I love looking at art.
67. I’ve never told anyone all of my secrets.
68. I hate it when people around me are sad. Makes me sad.
69. One can never have too many pictures.
70. I sing, but not well.
71. I love the rain.
72. I wish I was better at spelling.
73. I wish I owned more picture frames.
74. I love WINE.
75. I wish I was a real English Lady.
76. I wish I could paint.
77. I like to read.
78. I could go to a bookstore and be there for hours.
79. I will get married no matter what.
80. I like massages.
81. I hope there is contact between humanity and extraterrestrials before I die. And I hope the extraterrestrials teach us how to be better.
82. I don’t really like ice cream.
83. I think I will have an amazing family when I’m older.
84. I am in love with my friends.
85. I love learning new things.
86. I like to sleep under a bunch of blankets.
87. I love my room.
88. While I’ve had some close calls, I’ve never met anyone who really reminds me of me.
89. I wish more people paid attention to the news. And I wish I paid better attention to the news.
90. I wish I could live like a normal teenager and make stupid mistakes and party.
91. I wish I could live in my own house. - I do!
93. I wish I could spend my entire life doing new things.
94. I like old buildings.
95. I think hating someone based on their gender, ethnicity, or sexual preference is stupid.
96. I love just staring into the country.
97. I’m confident.
98. I say I don’t regret things, I believe everything happens for a reason but that doesn’t mean I agree with it.
99. I want lots of children.