Five thousand, five hundred and twenty-six
1. If money wasn't an issue, how would you redecorate / renovate your house?
There is so much I want to do with this house! In my writing room, I would like to paint the walls and get rid of this hideous yellow the previous owners put in here. I'm thinking gray and teal, and maybe some glitter mixed in there somewhere haha. I'd also like to have a chalkboard wall somewhere in here but I'm not sure where would be ideal. I'd like to upgrade the shower in the master bath, tile the garden tub, replace the dual vanity. Rip out all the carpet and replace it with hardwood. Replace the refrigerator with something with two-sided refrigeration on top and a bottom freezer drawer. Relace the half bath sink. Paint other walls throughout the house. Completely change the outside landscaping -- new plants, more trees. I'd also like a fence around the backyard sometime.
2. What's one style of fashion that you can't stand?
3. If you drink coffee, how did you take your last cup? If you don't drink coffee, what was the last caffeinated drink you had?
I have a fresh cup of home-brewed french vanilla coffee with sugar and a splash of french vanilla creamer.
4. What was the last really funny thing someone said to you or told you?
I laughed pretty hysterically yesterday in the car when Emily asked me if bunnies were sour.
5. If you have a dog, do you pay to get it groomed, or do you do it yourself? If you don't have a dog, would you rather pay to have it groomed or do it yourself?
I would rather save money and groom the dog myself.
6. When it comes to surveys, do you prefer a long detailed survey that makes you think, or something that you can do in 5 minutes and be done?
I like both.
7. What was the first really big / expensive thing you bought for yourself? (For example, a computer, iPod, car, etc.)
A computer.
8. Have you ever re-listened to a band that you hadn't listened to for years? Did you get back into them or just enjoy reminiscing over the songs?
Yes. And yes.
9. If you could automatically learn how to knit, crochet or sew, which one would you choose?
10. What is a skill other people have that you are really impressed by?
I am always amazed by the skills of digital artists.
11. Do you listen to any foreign bands? If so, which? Do you generally enjoy music from other countries other than music from your own?
I don't.
12. Do you think that Facebook is slowly getting less and less popular? Do you think we will see that trend die off in the next 5 or so years, like MySpace, or do you think there'll always be activity on Facebook?
I don't think so?
13. Has the weather where you live generally been the same all week? Is it a type of weather you enjoy, or are you ready for a change?
It's been essentially the same. I'm enjoying it, but I look forward to it getting even colder.
14. What's one thing that helps you get through a really cold day? How about a really hot day?
Hoodies, slipper socks / slippers, fluffy pajama bottoms, and fluffy blankets. I am miserable on hot days regardless what I do. Okay, maybe that's not true. I strip down as much as I can while still being dressed appropriately around my daughter and brother and have the air running or fans going. A cold shower helps, too.
15. What's the worst drug that you think anyone can get into?
I have no idea. There isn't a whole lot I know about drugs.
16. Do your parents make you teach them how to use new technology? Would you say this is a pain, or are you a pretty patient teacher?
My mom is quite fluent in technology.
17. When something goes wrong with your computer, do you try to figure out on your own or find someone to fix the problem for you? Would you say that you're generally pretty technology-literate?
I try [and usually succeed] to fix it.
18. What's one problem in today's world which you think is ridiculous that we haven't found a way to solve it yet?
There are a lot of them.
19. What's one animal that you can't stand or find cute at all? What's an animal that absolutely terrifies you?
20. If you go to the library, what was the last book you checked out? If you don't, what was the last book you purchased?
The last book I checked out was one of the many Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy novellas.