Channel: We All Feed on Tragedy
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Five thousand, five hundred and eighty-one

Does your middle name begin with letters A-G?: It starts with an A.
What is your state’s largest city?: Indianapolis, I assume.
Pick your three favourite vegetables.: Potato, corn, sweet potato.
Have you ever broken a movie or game disc?: No. Emily snapped our copy of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, about a week after we bought it. That sucked.
What colour are your brother’s eyes?: Hazel.
What are you feeling right now?: Fine. Relieved, yet also frustrated because I have no idea what to title my book -.-
Do you watch Law & Order: Special Victims Unit?: Nope.
How many flights of stairs are in your house?: Two, I guess? I mean, there's the first that takes you to a small platform and then there's the second that takes you the rest of the way up. Would that make two?
Have you ever played a drinking game? Which ones?: No.
Do you often feel excluded?: Nope.
Are you good with managing your finances?: Mhm.
Do you have an accountant?: No.
Did you ever play Neopets when you were younger?: Sure did.
Have you ever been to Mexico?: Nope.
How many friends do you have on Facebook?: One hundred exactly.
Do you regularly check anyone’s profile online?: No.
What is the closest pizza place to your house?: Hot Box Pizza.
What age did your mum stop helping you clean your room, if she ever did?: No idea.
What colour is your toothpaste?: White.
Have your parents ever worked in medicine?: My mom was going to.
Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names?: I used to go by Socky. Nowadays, though, it's Bitter and Raven. Occasionally Anty, when Snickers talks to me.
Are you any good at drawing?: I've been told that I am, but I don't believe it.
Is there anything unusual about your house?: I don't think so.
Can you maintain a text conversation or do you run out of things to say?: I suck at replying, regardless if there is more to say.
How old will you be turning in 2020?: Thirty-two /sobs in a corner
Have you ever met anyone with Multiple Personality Disorder?: Not to my knowledge.
What is your favourite type of cookie?: Right now, Keebler Peppermint Fudge Stripes! Omg, so good.
Do you spell things the way I do (colour, favourite, flavour etc.)?: Nope.
When was the last time you painted your nails?: Last month. I painted Emily's, since she asked me nicely if I would ... took maybe an hour altogether, only to have her chip it all off a day later.
Do you like word or picture tattoos better?: Word.
Does taking surveys make you sleepy?: Nope.
How many vowels are in your mother’s full name?: Seven.
Do you find it hard to talk to strangers, even people who work in stores?: Yes.
Have you ever tasted goat’s milk?: I have not.
Are you a fidgety person?: I can be when I'm anxious.
Did you ever take classes for a musical instrument when you were younger?: Nope. I wanted to, though.
Is there anything going on outside your window?: SNOW! Everything is so white!
What was your favourite board game as a child?: Scrabble and Monopoly. I also really liked Guess Who, which is why I'm excited for Emily to unwrap the one I got her for Christmas! She doesn't seem to like board games as much lately, but hopefully she likes this one.
Do you listen to Rise Against?: No.
When was the last time you congratulated someone?: I sarcastically congratulated Adam yesterday.
Have you ever taken care of a newborn baby?: Yes.
How old were you when you got your ears pierced?: I was an infant, that's all I know.
Have you ever been 10-pin bowling?: Yeah.
Do you have your own bowling ball and shoes?: Nope.
What was the last type of burger you ate?: A homemade one.
Have you cried in the past week?: No.

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