Five thousand, six hundred and forty-eight
Last DVD you bought?: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.
How many DVD players do you have in your home?: Four.
How many VCRs?: Zero.
How many TVs?: Four.
What type of cable / satellite do you have?: Comcast.
How many radios?: Zero.
How many CDs or cassettes?: Three?
How many computers?: Five.
Are you a computer nerd?: I guess you could say that.
Do you spend a shitload of time taking surveys? Not as much as I used to.
If you have an online journal, what’s the link to yours?
What are your AIM Screen Name(s)?:
How about MSN Names?:
Which do you sign on the most?
Do you own any tall black leather boots? I do!
If so, do they have spikes and steel toes? No.
Own a whip or been whipped by one? Nope.
Own any arm warmers or gloves?: Yes.
How about fishnets?: I used to.
Bondage pants?: Nope.
Chokers?: No.
Gags?: No.
Heavy chains?: No.
A wallet with a long chain attached?: Nope.
Faded jeans?: No.
Ever owned those jelly shoes? If so, do you remember what color they were? I had some when I was younger.
What about snap bracelets?: I had some of those, too.
Do you wear a watch?: Nope.
If so, where’d you get it?:
Do you wear any bracelets or necklaces?: No.
What about ankle bracelets and toe rings? Nope.
Wear any expensive rings? Define "expensive".
Do you prefer gold, silver or bronze? Silver.
Diamonds or crystals?: Crystals.
Are you into materials? I'm not sure what this is asking.
Do you wear make-up most of the time? No.
What color are most of your clothes? Black and blue.
Ever wear a bandana? Yes.
How about a funky hat? Yes.
How often do you drive? I don't drive.
Do you have a car of your own yet? Adam and I own a car.
Have you taken your driver’s ed test yet? Nope.
If you already have your license, do you have a job? I'm not sure how the two are related. I do have a job, but no license.
What’s your dream car? BMW Z3.
Favorite car company? I don't have one.
Automatic or stick shift?:
Do you even know HOW to drive a stick shift? No.
Do you prefer public transportation? No.
What time do you wake up on school days? I'm not in school, but I get up at 730 in order to get my daughter ready for school.
Do you use an alarm clock? Adam does.
What’s your favorite shirt that you own? I don't think I have one.
Favorite pair of pants? My blue leggings with snowflakes on 'em.
Favorite pair of shoes?: Black platforms that I basically never wear.