Five thousand, seven hundred and two
Did the last book you read have a good ending?: Yes. I hate that the sequel won't be out for another year.
Did the last book you read have a character in it that made you mad?: Not really.
Is your friend’s birthday tomorrow?: No.
If you were to paint a rock, what would you paint on it?: The first thing that came to mind was a pumpkin.
Are you ready to leave the most behind and move forward with your life?: What. Do you mean the past ...?
When was the last time you took a selfie?: A week ago.
Have you ever used a tripod to take pictures of yourself?: No.
Have you ever dressed ridiculous for no reason?: Sure.
Do you feel like you have a sliver in your foot right now?: No.
Was it hot out where you lived today?: It was! It has been in the high-eighties and low-nineties this week!
What’s your favorite color of the sunset?: Purple and pink.
What colors do you see in cobblestones?: Uh. It depends on the cobblestones ...
Do you know anyone who is colorblind?: Yes. My grandfather.
Does sunlight make you feel better?: Nope.
Does fall make you feel alive?: IT DOES.
Do you paint or draw regularly?: I don't do it regularly, no.
Do you write stories / novels frequently?: Mhm. It is my job.
Do you write poems regularly?: Sometimes I miss writing poetry.
Do you like writing poems?: I do.
What do you like writing more: songs, poems, plays, or stories?: Stories.
Are you a writer?: I am.
Do you write in a journal frequently?: Just my LiveJournal.
Are you having conflict with a friend right now?: No.
Do you miss someone?: I do.
Have you ever had a friend abuse you?: No.
Do you feel overwhelmed?: No.
Is handling life on your own overwhelming?: It can be.
Do you have to handle life on your own?: Adam is there to help.
Have you ever wished your feet were smaller?: Only when I find shoes in sizes too small, ha.
On one hand, can you cross your first two fingers and your last two fingers at the same time? (I can, but apparently most people can’t): With ease ...
Does your handwriting look like your mom’s?: My handwriting looks like crap. My mom's is nicer.
Do you sound like your mom?: No.
Do you look like your mom?: To some degree, yeah.
Could you be a contortionist?: No.
Can you twist your tongue, bend it into a clover, and lick the tip of your nose? (I can): I can twist it, but not any of those other things.
Are you an artist?: Yes.
Do you like the color orange?: I like it when used with other colors, but not alone.
Would you ever drive an orange car?: No. I mean, if it was given to me for free ...
Do you name inanimate objects?: No, unless I'm messing around or my daughter asks me to.
Do you blame yourself for things that aren’t your fault?: No.
Have you ever been abused by a church leader?: Nope.
Is there a church in your town that doesn’t accept you?: No.
When was the last time you went to church?: When I was younger than ten.
If you were rich and had your own house, would you decorate it for holidays?: YES.
Do you own a fall wreath?: I wish :( I can't find any that I like or are a decent price.
Have you ever worn mis-matched shoes?: No.
Are you contemplating whether you should keep something or not?: No.
Do you tan easily?: Nope.
Are you feeling overwhelmed right now?: A little.
Is life too hard for you?: It can be.
What would it take for you to not feel overwhelmed?: A few things here and there would need improvement.
Are people mean to you?: No.
Are you spiritual?: Yeah.
Do you own a pair of overalls?: No. I hate overalls.
Have you ever owned a pair of overalls?: When I was younger and it wasn't my choice.
Have you ever worn a school uniform?: Nope.
What is your opinion on school uniforms?: I think it's stupid.
What do you think of dress codes?: Some of it makes sense, but telling me I can't send my six year old to school in a sleeveless shirt or dress because it's inappropriate is bloody ridiculous!
Do you own fingerless gloves?: I do! I use them to type on my laptop when it's frigid in my room during winter.
What’s your favorite place to eat at the mall?: I loved the Japanese place in Tucson, but haven't found anywhere that tops that.
What do you want for Christmas?: Money? Gift cards? Fluffy socks and blankets?
Whose birthday is next?: Samantha's.
When is your birthday?: October 5th.
Do you have any plans for your next birthday?: Not really. If I get any gift money, I'll probably use it to go out for lunch with Adam.
Do you wish you had someone to confide in?: I have someone I can confide in. I often fail to do so, though.
Is the world you live in a very good one? Is your life a very good one?: The world isn't the greatest in some aspects, but I like it. My life could use some improvements, but is overall good.
Do you wish your quality of life was better? Is it very good?:Some things could use improvements, as I said already.
Can you do the splits?: No.
If you were a ghost, whose house would you haunt?: I don't know.
Do you wish reality were better than your dreams?: No.
When was the last time it was?: ...
Are you ready?: /yawn