Channel: We All Feed on Tragedy
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Five thousand, two hundred and eighty-five

1. Where do you work, and what do you have to wear there?
I work from home and wear whatever I so please.
2. What is the ringtone on your phone?
The beginning of Carl Poppa.
3. Do you still talk to people from middle school?
A select few.
4. What are your top five favorite books?
That's a tough one, actually. I adore so many books and my favorites tend to fluctuate.
5. What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive, but I have a Ford Focus.
6. Do you think there is a difference between liking someone and having a crush on someone?
7. Where do you get most of your surveys from?
LiveJournal and Tumblr.
8. Have you ever sent someone a message on their honesty box (Facebook)? And if so, how did that go?
I don't think so.
9. What size bra do you wear?
10. What did you score on your SAT?
11. Who did you last go on a date with?
Adam. I could really, really, really, really use a date that is actually a date and not an outing with him AND Emily.
12. What is the stupidest thing you've lost a friendship over?
Adam's jealousy.
13. What kind of perfume do you wear?
I don't.
14. Do you have any summer work for school?
15. What is a good way to get to know someone you like?
Talk to them ...?
16. What concert are you going to next?
I have no plans for any future concerts.
17. Is it easy for you to stay friends with your exs?
I only have one ex, and we are not friends.
18. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
About five pairs.
19. How many guys / girls on your top 8 have you liked?
21. What movie / song can always make you cry?
22. Did you think you were going to marry your first love?
I am married to him.
23. How much is gas where you live?
I don't know, the last time I looked it was about 1.79 or so.
24. Are you dependent on anything?
Not really.
25. What classes are you taking next year?
26. How long do you wish your hair was?
I am happy with my pixie cut.
27. What is your favorite smell?
French fries. Cinnamon. Baking goods.
28. What kind of guys are you usually attracted to?
I'm not really attracted to anyone.
29. Is there anyone at work that annoys the crap out of you?
30. Are you saving your money for anything?
A house.
31. Have you ever thought you were pregnant?
Well, I have been pregnant.
32. What would happen if you really were?
Right now? I would go utterly bonkers.
34. Do you have a widow's peak?
35. Are you going anywhere this summer?
Not to my knowledge.
36. Think of the time when you were most depressed: Why were you in such a state?
I went through bouts of depression when I was younger.
37. What are the names of the grocery stores where you live?
Payless, uh ... I forget the others.
38. Did you ever listen to Radio Disney when you were young?
39. Do you think it's weird when guys take surveys?
Not at all.
40. Are you one of those people that go around hugging everyone?
Ha. No.
41. What was the last movie you went to?
The Princess Diaries. I want to watch the sequel, but I cannot find it anywhere.
42. Are you on any prescription drugs?
43. What does your favorite pair of underwear look like?
I don't have a favorite pair.
44. What are the presets in your car?
I don't know.
45. When was the last time you couldn't stop smiling?
46. What was the last thing you said on AIM?
Oh, wow. I don't know.
47. Are you friends with anyone that most people at your school hate?
48. Have you ever taken a drug test?
I have, for the purpose of job applications.
49. What are you doing next Monday?
I don't know.
50. What kind of camera do you own?
Nikon ♥

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